Sermon: James: Idols of the Heart
[James 4:1-6, 11-12] James is teaching a church how to apply the Sermon on the
[James 4:1-6, 11-12] James is teaching a church how to apply the Sermon on the
[James 3:13-18] Wisdom that brings peace
Guest Speaker: Frank Lanier
[James 3:1-12] Speaker: Drew Deas
[James 2:1-14-26] Can an inactive faith bring salvation?
James 2:1-13
Speaker: Michael Crawford (Pastoral Candidate)
[James 1:26-27] Internal character and external action
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[James 1:22-25] We deceive ourselves when we don’t DO what the Word says. We are blessed when we DO what the Word says. Just Do It!
[James 1:18-21] Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.
[James 1:13-18] Gone fishing
[Isaiah 6:1-5, John 12:39-41] A greater comprehension of God’s glory transforms people.
Speaker: James Christenson
[James 1:9-12] Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
[Various Passages] Good News of Great JOY!
[Matthew 1:18-2:23] Speaker: Dan Moose
[James 1:5-8] Wisdom is the practical use of knowledge and the heart we engage with.
[James 1:1-4] If James can admonish us to “consider it pure joy”, then you and I have the ability to choose joy when times are tough.
The history and current state of the persecuted church
[1 Peter 5:5-7] Humble yourself toward three groups
[Isaiah 40:6-11; Psalm 23:3] Good shepherds guide their flock on righteous paths
[Matthew 22:15-46; 1 Peter 3:15 – 17] Guest Speaker: Frank Lanier
[Jonah 1-4] Guest Speaker: David Bliss
[Matthew 9:35-36] Know your enemies
[1 Peter 5:1] 1 Peter 5:1, “To the elders among you… be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care.”
[Luke 15:11-32] Guest Speaker: Steve Treichler
[1 Peter 4:12-19] 4 categories of suffering.
[Exodus 33] God’s people realize that without His presence, no place or blessing can truly satisfy, and they must rely on Him to lead them wherever they go.
[1 Peter 4:7-11] How should we live since “The end of all things is near”?
[1 Peter 4:1-6] Ready… Willing… Dealing…
[1 Peter 3:18-22] Good news, theological tangles and the amazing Gospel of Jesus!
[1 Peter 3:13-17] Integrity Evangelism calls us to share Christ in two ways.
[1 Peter 3:8-12] We are the Blessed Community. We are called to bless others. We are motivated to bless.
[1 Peter 3:1-7] While Peter’s instructions may sound “old fashioned” to some, God is providing valuable principles for us as we live together in families inside the family of God.
[1 Peter 2:18-25]
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[1 Peter 2:11-17] Followers of Jesus are called to SUBMIT.
[1 Peter 2:4-10] Jesus is the Cornerstone. To Follow Christ is to Align with Him. God is Building Us into an Awesome House.
[1 Peter 1:22-2:3] Love each other deeply
Guest Speaker: Bryce Langley
[1 Peter 1:13-21] What does it mean to be holy? Are you more holy than you were 5 years ago?
[1 Peter 1:3-12] God’s great salvation and man’s response.
Speaker: Dan Moose
[1 Peter 1:1-2] Who you are determines how you will think and act in a given
Rather than just telling everyone that they need to be saved, we get to help them take one step at a time toward Jesus.
B – Begin with Prayer, L – Listen with Care, E – Eat Together, S – Serve with Love, S – Share your Story
[Acts 2:42, 46, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 19:1-10, Luke 7:34] Eating meals together was important in the Bible.
[Isaiah 53:5-6, John 3:16-17] We have been BLESSED with the GOOD NEWS.
Speaker: Drew Deas
[1 Peter 3:9, Genesis 12:1-3, John 17] We are called to bless others. Go and be a blessing. Jesus began with prayer.
What has God been teaching us through this season of transition?
Speakers: Joel Love, Sydney Deas, Tom Flage
[2 Corinthians 4:1-7] Holy inadequacy, holy motivations
Speaker: James Christenson
[Exodus 33:1-17] The Allure of the Destination, the presence of God in our lives, the presence of God in the church body and our desire for God’s presence.
Speaker: Sam Schreiner
[Matthew 28:1-9] “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said!”
[1 Timothy 6:11-21] Paul’s final thoughts to his young protégé, Timothy.
[1 Timothy 6:2-10] The idol of the love of money and the idol of arrogance.
[1 Timothy 6:1-2] What kind of “slavery” is Paul talking about?