We believe that planting new churches is the best way to reach new communities, as well as the best way to make the most of our leaders. For more on the theology and philosophy behind this, check out the following:

CityVision Church, led by Andrew Peterson, was our first church plant. They started in the fall of 2012 as a group of 12 people living in St. Louis Park who felt burdened for their city. We at Antioch resourced them with leaders, finances, and training to get them off the ground and living out the gospel in their community. After an incredible few years, in August 2015 the Lord led them to merge with St. Louis Park Free Church to become Park Community Church. They are now in the exciting process of forming a new identity as a new church body in an old church building. We are blessed to call them our brothers and sisters in the mission.
Park Community Church
Andrew Peterson, Lead Pastor