Mar 26, 2023
• Duration: 32:10

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[Philippians 2:1-11] Unity in the Body of Believers in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord
Speaker: Dan Moose
Mindset and Attitude of Jesus Christ
- Jesus gave up his rights
- Jesus gave up his agenda
- Jesus humbled himself to the Father to the point of death
Thoughts to Ponder:
- Have you personally placed your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord so you can enjoy the full benefits of God’s salvation?
- Scale of 1-7, how are you making every effort to keep the unity of the Body of Jesus Christ?
- What right or agenda are you hanging onto that is hindering the unity of the Body of Christ?
- What steps will you take in the power of the Holy Spirit to keep the unity of the Body of Christ as a servant of Jesus?