Jan 24, 2021
For our final week of our January Prayer Month, we will be focusing on praising God for who He is. Join us in our daily prayer focuses, memorization of Psalm 138:2, and on online Prayer Meeting this Monday, January 25th, at either 6:00am or 8:00pm.
If you’d like to join in with our Prayer Team as we dedicate each day to prayer and Scripture reading, we’ve put together a great outline of our focuses for each day this week below:
Sunday, January 24
- Prayer Topic: Praise God the Spirit—Ruach Elohim
- Scripture: John 16:5-15; Acts 10:44-48
- Guided Prayer: “Ruach Elohim, it is clear that Your name is great as You send Your servants to people both near and far. Even as Peter, Paul and Barnabas were sent, Ruach Elohim, please send me to reach out to my neighbors – both close and far – so all may hear of Your Name and love. Thank You for being with me and equipping me with Your Spirit to love and serve my family and neighbors who have yet to meet You!”
Monday, January 25
- Prayer Topic: Praise God the Provider—Yahweh Yirah
- Scripture: Matthew 6:31-33; Genesis 22:14
- Guided Prayer: “Yahweh Yirah, I thank You for Your provision over time for Your children to carry the good news of Your love. Your mission to reach all people has been preserved by Your word, and now I and Your people have put our hope in Your name. Yahweh Yirah, please provide for us with our daily needs and for our words that we may know how to speak of and share in Your mission to share Your good news to all.”
Tuesday, January 26
- Prayer Topic: Praise Jesus—the Light of the World
- Scripture: John 1:1-14; Colossians 1:9-14)
- Guided Prayer: “Light of the World, not even all the darkness of this world can dim Your light! There is no corner of the Earth to far from Your light, and by Jesus, all men can be with You. May Your people across the Earth be smaller lights of the world, as You described in Matthew, pointing to a greater Light. We know You love all people and desire to save them all; let it be so through me and Your people!”
Wednesday, January 27
- Prayer Topic: Praise God—the King of Kings
- Scripture: Revelation 19:11-16; Romans 13:1-4
- Guided Prayer: “King of Kings, in Your wisdom, You have established every governing body of the past, present, and future. Yet no leader will be as perfect and holy as You. We submit to Your leading as we abide by the discretion of our current national leaders and president, as they need Your wisdom and strength to lead effectively. But should they lead in a way contrary to Your ways, let us courageously follow You. We believe You work all things out for the good of Your mission to share the love of Jesus throughout our country.”
Thursday, January 28
- Prayer Topic: Praise God Almighty—El Shaddai
- Scripture: Genesis 17:1-2; Exodus 6:1-5
- Guided Prayer: “El Shaddai, Your power is unparalleled. You can give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and healing to the ill. There is no problem to great or difficult for You. We know that life has changed significantly during our current pandemic, but you offer healing to the ill, the lonely, the forgotten. In Your redeeming love, You are comforting all who call on Your name. Let us pray in faith to you, El Shaddai, to heal our bodies and hearts in global crisis. May You turn what was meant for evil into good so You may be glorified!”
Friday, January 29
- Prayer Topic: Praise the Lord our Banner—Yahweh Nissi
- Scripture: Psalm 60:4-5; Isaiah 11:10-12
- Guided Prayer: “Yahweh Nissi, our banner, our victorious leader! In this world, there will be division, even war. But these are not the primarily battles You fight. You fight in love, protecting Your people. You fight for peace, becoming a refuge for the widow, the orphan, and the outcast. You fight with hope, desiring all would come to know and love You and Your son Jesus by the Spirit. You fight in spirit, rescuing souls from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of light. Thank you for being my banner, that when I sense weakness and the fight on Earth is long, You are the refuge and banner I can run to and be saved. May many more find You as their banner through me, your child and servant!”
Saturday, January 30
- Prayer Topic: Praise Jesus our Salvation—Yeshua
- Scripture: Acts 4:8-12; John 17:17-26
- Guided Prayer: “Yeshua, Jesus Christ, it is in Your name we have the hope of salvation, the invitation of love from the greatest act of love – Your death and resurrection. In Your wisdom, You have chosen Your people to share this good news. Give us the words of Your gospel, lives reflecting Your image, and desire to be sent as You were sent by our Father. May honor and praise be to Yeshua!”