Gospel Identity: Disciples
Through the gospel we are disciples of Jesus.
Through the gospel we are disciples of Jesus.
[John 13: 1-17] Through the gospel we are servants of God.
Through the gospel we are members of God’s family.
[Romans 1:18-23; 3:21-26; 12:1-2] Through the gospel we are worshipers of God.
Luke 22:39-53 describes Jesus’ prayer and arrest on the Mount of Olives.
[Luke 22:24-38] What sort of path is Jesus leading his disciples on?
Luke 22:7-23 describes Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before his crucifixion.
Luke 22:1-6 describes the tragic account of Judas’ plan to betray Jesus.
[Mark 8:27-9:1] Preconceived ideas that hinder your faithful following of Jesus
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[2 Samuel 16:5-14] Where is God?
Guest Speaker: Kevin Osell
In Philippians 2:1-11 the apostle Paul calls the church in Philippi to greater unity as God’s family.
In Luke 21:5-38 Jesus teaches his disciples how to live in light of the destruction of Jerusalem and the coming of the Son of Man.
In Luke 20:41-21:4 Jesus asks about the identity of “the Christ” and then challenges his disciples how to live in response.
In Luke 20:27-40 Jesus responds to a question about resurrection designed to entrap him.
In Luke 20:19-26 Jesus responds to a controversial question about paying taxes to Caesar.
In Luke 20:9-18 Jesus tells a parable about wicked tenants of a vineyard in order to warn Israel about rejecting him.
In Luke 19:45-20:8 Jesus’ divine authority is both demonstrated and challenged.
Luke 19:28-44 describes Jesus as the Messiah and King who is worthy of worship.
[Ezekiel 3:16-21] If you see something, say something.
Guest Speaker: Ben Reese
In Luke 19:11-27 Jesus tells a parable to illustrate the necessity of faithful stewardship until his future return.
In Luke 19:1-10 we see how Jesus’ encounter with a man named Zacchaeus illustrates his mission to seek and save lost people.
Luke 18:31-43 describes the disciples’ blindness and Jesus’ healing of a blind man.
In Luke 18:18-30 Jesus’ encounter with a rich ruler reveals how a person can gain eternal life.
[Luke 18:15-17] Why is Children’s Ministry a vital part of our mission at Antioch Community Church?
[Psalm 48] How can we pass on the greatness of God to the next generation?
In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus tells a parable about a Pharisee and tax collector to illustrate two very different ways to approach God.
In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus urges his disciples to pray persistently for God to bring justice to his people.
In Luke 17:20-37 Jesus teaches about the coming of God’s kingdom upon the earth.
[Luke 17:11-19] Will I allow Jesus to clean my heart and remove the years of sin and filth?
[Luke 17:1-10] How does Jesus tell us to live together as disciples in community?
[Luke 16:19-31] How can you possibly reconcile the concept of judgement in Hell with the idea of a loving God?
In Luke 16:14-18 Jesus rebukes the self-righteous Pharisees and explains that his teaching about money is in line with the Scriptures.
[Psalm 63] Why should our lives be marked by a relentless longing after God?
To love is to give
Guest Speaker: Andrew Peterson
In Luke 16:1-13 Jesus tells a parable about a dishonest manager in order to teach his disciples about wise stewardship.
In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus tells a parable about a gracious father and his two lost sons.
[James 4:1-10] Why Conflict
[Luke 15:1-10] Jesus wants us to embrace God’s heart for people.
Guest Speaker: Michael Johnson – Psalm 1
In Luke 14:25-35 Jesus explains the high cost of following him as a disciple.
In Luke 14:15-24 Jesus tells a parable of a great banquet to explain who will be included in God’s kingdom.
[Luke 14:1-14] What are the traits Jesus wants in his followers?
In John 21 Jesus reinforces to Peter the priorities essential for a lifetime of gospel mission.
[Romans 5-8] How does belief in the risen Jesus bring hope in a broken world?
[Luke 13:22-35] How can a person enter into the kingdom of God?
In Luke 13:10-21 the healing of a disabled woman on the Sabbath illustrates what Jesus’ kingdom is all about.
In Luke 13:1-9 Jesus urges the crowd to respond to him through the spiritual fruit of repentance.
[Luke 12:49-59] In Luke 12:49-59 Jesus explains the great crisis that his coming creates.
[Luke 12:35-48] How can we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who are waiting for the return of our Master?