Luke: Fighting Worry
[Luke 12:22-34] In order to grow in a life of gospel generosity, we must fight our tendency to worry about material things.
[Luke 12:22-34] In order to grow in a life of gospel generosity, we must fight our tendency to worry about material things.
In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus uses a family dispute as an opportunity to warn his disciples about the dangers of greed and materialism.
Luke 12:1-13 describes how disciples should be characterized by fear and fearlessness as they represent Jesus in this world.
In Luke 11:37-54 Jesus responds to Jewish religious leaders with a blistering rebuke of their religiosity.
Luke 11:14-36 describes Jesus’ power over spiritual darkness and his ability to bring those who properly respond to him into the spiritual light.
In Luke 11:1-13 Jesus teaches his disciples how to grow as people of prayer.
In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus’ meal with two sisters creates an opportunity to teach about the priorities in a disciple’s life.
[Matthew 16:18; 28:16-20; Acts 13-14; 19] Why do we plant churches at Antioch?
[2 Timothy 3:14-17] Self-feeding Through the Word of God
[Proverbs 16:1-9] To have godly wisdom in decision-making you must: 1) Know God, 2) Know yourself, 3) Know others, 4) Be flexible.
[Ephesians 1:3-14] Who am I in Jesus Christ?
[Luke 10:25-37] Jesus calls us to show love and compassion to all people, including those we’d rather not love.
[Luke 10:1-24] Jesus is Boss
[Luke 9:51-62] What does Jesus demand of everyone who follows him on the costly road of discipleship?
[Luke 9:37-50] Jesus demonstrates his majesty as the Son of God by meeting us in and rescuing us from the messiness of our lives.
[Luke 9:18-36] What essential information does Jesus want us to know about the journey of discipleship?
[Galatians 5:16-26] Walking in the Spirit
[Luke 9:18-36] In an ocean of confusion all around us, we’ve been given true testimony to anchor our conclusions about Jesus’ identity.
Luke 9:1-17 describes how Jesus, through his power and authority, supplies everything necessary for the mission he entrusts to his disciples.
Luke 8:40-56 shows how Jesus is Lord over disease and even death.
[John 5:1-18] How Capable is Jesus?
[John 4:46-54] Saving faith has happened when a person believes and acts in accord with God’s Word.
Luke 8:22-39 describes the divine power Jesus possesses over the powers of darkness in this world.
Luke 8:1-20 presents several illustrations to explain how disciples of Jesus should respond to the word of God.
Luke 7:36-50 describes how Jesus has the power to forgive the sins of anyone who responds to him in faith.
Big Idea: The purpose of the church is to make disciples; the privilege is being involved.
[Hebrews 6:13-20] Big Question: life has storms; does your anchor hold?
[Luke 7:18-35] As he highlights John the Baptist’s important role in God’s purposes, Jesus urges people to respond properly to who he is as God’s Messiah.
Luke 7:11-17 describes Jesus raising a widow’s son from the dead and the response of those who witnessed this miracle.
Luke 7:1-10 describes Jesus’ authoritative power to heal, while also highlighting the humble faith of a Roman centurion.
[Luke 6:43-49] What kind of disciples of Jesus will transform a church, a city, and a world?
In Luke 6:37-42 Jesus gives instructions to his followers about judging others.
[Luke 6:27-36] Jesus calls all disciples who follow after him to a revolutionary love for their enemies.
[Luke 6:12-26] Adopting Jesus’ perspective toward discipleship should cause us to rejoice in the realities associated with God’s kingdom.
[Colossians 2:6-15] Because we are united with Jesus in his death and resurrection, we who believe in him can live as people who are truly alive.
Luke 6:1-11 describes the authority and power of Jesus as Lord over the Sabbath.
[Colossians 3:1-17] A New Way to be Human
Luke 5:27-39 describes Jesus’ mission to call sinful people to follow him as disciples, even if that leads to criticism and controversy.
Luke 5:12-26 describes Jesus’ power to cleanse people physically and spiritually.
In Luke 5:1-11 Jesus calls his first disciples to a life of following him.
In Luke 4:31-44 Jesus demonstrates his power and authority by setting people free from sickness and demon possession.
In Luke 4:14-30 Jesus announces his mission as God’s promised Messiah and experiences hostile rejection in his hometown of Nazareth.
[Ephesians 4:1-16] Dan Moose, Guest Speaker, Church Planting Director
Luke 4:1-13 describes Jesus as the victorious Son of God who overcame the temptations from the Devil.
In Luke 3:21-38 Jesus is declared to be the “Son of God” at his baptism and through his family tree.
Luke 3:1-20 describes how John the Baptist prepared the way for the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Living a life that is growing in maturity.
Luke 2:22-38 describes how two expectant Israelites, Simeon and Anna, testify to God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
[Luke 2:1-20] Our greatest gift this Christmas is Jesus being sent as the Savior of the world.
Luke 1:57-80 reminds us that we can celebrate this Christmas because God’s promised salvation has come.