Luke: The One Worthy of a Song
[Luke 1:26-56] The One Worthy of a Song
[Luke 1:26-56] The One Worthy of a Song
[Luke 1:5-25] In Luke 1:5-25 God prepares the way for his salvation by announcing the future birth of John the Baptist.
Conversion growth happens in the church when we talk about Jesus. God opens the door for us to speak when we pray and live intentionally.
Why are there so many unhappy people?
[Luke 5:27-39] Truly Following Jesus
[Philippians 3:4-11] Heart check
[Galatians 6:1-5] Living the Gospel with purpose in community includes carrying others burdens and allowing others to carry ours.
John 20:24-29 recounts the disciple Thomas’ journey from a skeptical doubt to a worshipful faith in the risen Jesus.
[Mark 15:33] The Suitcase Dance of Joy
[Hebrews 1:1-4] In order for Jesus to reign supremely in our lives each day, we need a supreme portrait of God’s Son.
[Psalm 46] God is our fortress through all of life’s many troubles
Nate Krampe, Elder, preaches on “Who is Jesus?”
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on the resurrection of Jesus as an opportunity for us to worship the living Christ.
Scott Barber preaches on Matthew 25:31-45.
Jordan Mogck preaches on John 17:20-23.
Christmas is a celebration of the coming of the Son of God into this broken world in order to rescue broken and sinful people like you and me. Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Genesis 38.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on the characteristics of “generous giving” in the New Testament.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Luke 4:16-30.
Scott Barber preaches on John 13:31-35.
Craig Ray preaches from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.
Mike Lindsey preaches from Ephesians 1:3-8.
Guest speaker Dan Bell preaches on Matthew 13:1-53.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, where the Apostle Paul explains that if we deny our future resurrection as believers, then we also deny Jesus was raised from the dead.
In Luke 23:39-43 we see a retelling of events associated with the crucifixion of Jesus.
In Matthew 4:12-25 we see the beginnings of Jesus’ messianic ministry and mission.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Matthew 4:1-11.
Craig Ray preaches on Matthew 6:5-15: what makes a prayer warrior?
Scott Barber preaches on Matthew 20:20-28.
Pastor Jamie Buchanan preaches on Hebrews 12.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on Matthew 1:1-17.
Pastor Andy O’Rourke preaches on John 8:1-11.
Pastor Jamie preaches that being a true Follower of Jesus Christ should be evidenced by living the Gospel intentionally.