The Heart of Jesus: Love
[Ephesians 3:14-19] To understand the heart of Jesus we must grasp his deep love for us.
[Ephesians 3:14-19] To understand the heart of Jesus we must grasp his deep love for us.
[Matthew 11:28-30] Jesus invites us to experience a life of true rest in him.
[Acts 2:42–47] What can we learn from the early church about living as God’s chosen people on His mission together?
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[1 Peter 2:1–12] As God’s people, how are we to live on mission with Him?
Speaker: Pastor Matt Kinnick
[Acts 19:11-41] Acts 19:11-41 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the city of Ephesus.
[Acts 18:18-19:10] Acts 18:18-19:10 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the city of Ephesus.
[Acts 18:1-17] Acts 18:1-17 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the city of Corinth.
[Acts 17:16-34] Acts 17:16-34 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the city of Athens.
[Acts 17:1-15] Acts 17:1-15 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the cities of Thessalonica and Berea.
[Acts 15:36-16:40] Acts 16 describes how the gospel of Jesus continued to spread to the city of Philippi.
Why Care for the Lost?
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Revelation 21:1-8] God wins
Speaker: Bryce Langley
[Matthew 21:1-17; Revelation 19:11-16] What sort of King is Jesus Christ?
[1 John 1:1-4] The message of the gospel is grounded in certainty.
[Hebrews 1:1-4] What sort of supreme portrait of Jesus Christ is painted for us in Hebrews 1:1-4?
[John 1:1-18] What does Jesus’ title as “the Word of God” tell us about his relationship to God, creation and humanity?
[Philippians 4:10-23] As followers of Christ how do we be content in a world filled with discontentment?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Philippians 4:2-9] How can we experience true Christ-centered peace in our lives?
[Philippians 3:12-4:1] How do we press forward in the race of following Jesus?
[Philippians 3:1-11] As followers of Jesus, we should beware of placing our confidence for salvation in anything other than Christ.
[Philippians 2:19-30] The best leaders are people who lead like Jesus Christ.
[no audio recording this week]
[Philippians 2:12-18] What does it look like to follow Jesus in a life of joyful obedience?
[Philippians 2:1-11] How can we live as the unified family of God on mission within this world?
[Philippians 1:27-30] Our conduct as followers of Jesus should be worthy of the gospel.
[Philippians 1:18b-26] Our primary passion should be to magnify Jesus in every situation we encounter.
[Philippians 1:12-18a] How can we view unexpected obstacles as opportunities to live as witnesses for Jesus?
[Philippians 1:3-11] As followers of Jesus Christ, why should we pray with thanksgiving and joy?
[Psalm 62] How can we grow as people who wait upon God?
[Psalm 61] Three things to pursue in times of trial.
Forgiveness is a decision of the will to release offense against the offender by personally suffering/paying the penalty for the offense by God’s grace.
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 60] Three universal truths to embrace in order to be used by God in this world.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[Ruth 1:1-22] An extreme and uncommon kindness
Guest Speaker: Brian Farone
[Psalm 59] Four faith-filled actions to take when facing danger and injustice.
[Psalm 58] The unjust judgement of wicked men. Appealing to God for Divine justice. The righteous judgement of God.
Speaker: Adam Johnson
[Psalm 57] Troubled times in our lives gives us the opportunity to trust in God and minister to others.
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Titus 2:11-14] We know we are saved by grace;what part does grace play in our being transformed into Christlikeness?
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 56] I hope you walk away with a greater resolve to trust the Lord as your champion over every challenger.
Speaker: James Christenson
[Psalm 55] Four invitations to walk with God through suffering.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[I Corinthian 15:1-10] Grace to Be and Do
Speaker: Dan Moose
You are Blessed, so Go and Bless. How is God’s family different than other families?
Speaker: Nate Krampe
What are 5 basic questions to help us strengthen our identity as missionaries?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Philippians2:1-11] Three moves for a growing Christian servant.
Speaker: Matt Kinnick
[Romans 12:1] Speaker: James Christenson
[2 Corinthians 12:1-10] Speaker: Dan Moose
[Acts 15:1-35] Acts 15:1-35 describes an important council in Jerusalem regarding the Gentiles’ inclusion among the people of God.
[Deuteronomy 6:1-9] How can parents pass the baton of faith in God to future generations?
[Matthew 16:18; 28:16-20; Acts 13-14; 19:1-9] Why are we committed to church planting here at Antioch?
[Acts 14:1-28] In Acts 14 Paul and Barnabas continue their missionary journey and encounter more opposition than ever before.
[Various Passages From Acts] What does Easter mean for us?
[Acts 13:13-52] In Acts 13:13-52 Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch in Pisidia and continue to boldly proclaim the gospel.