James: True Religion: Approaching the Future
[James 4:13-17] How should we approach the future?
[James 4:13-17] How should we approach the future?
[James 4:1-12] God urges us to passionately pursue spiritual maturity.
[James 3:13-18] God calls us to live in a way that reflects true wisdom rather than false wisdom.
[James 3:1-12] How are you letting Christ guide your way of life and speech?
Guest Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[James 2:14-26] Genuine faith leads to a transformed life.
[James 2:1-13] A genuine faith in Jesus refuses to show favoritism.
[James 1:19-27] What does true religion look like for followers of Jesus Christ?
[James 1:12-18] How can we remain steadfast in times of suffering?
[James 1:2-11] How should we respond when storms hit our lives?
[John 4:1-16] Inviting all to Jesus as a lifestyle
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Luke 12:35-48] How can we grow as stewards of Jesus Christ who are waiting for the return of our Master?
[Luke 12:22-34] In order to live as fearless stewards, we must fight our tendency to worry about material things.
[Luke 12:13-21] In Luke 12:13-21 Jesus uses a family dispute as an opportunity to warn his disciples about the dangers of greed and materialism.
[Luke 9:23-27] What does Jesus want us to know about the journey of discipleship?
[1 Cor 9:19-23] Speaker: Dan Moose
How do we as a family go about building something new in NE and beyond?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
What’s the big story that the Christmas story fits into?
[Genesis 11:1-9] In Genesis 11:1-9 God thwarts humanity’s attempt to build a massive tower.
[Genesis 9:18-10:32] Genesis 9:18-10:32 describes how the descendants of Noah grew into many nations upon the earth.
[Genesis 8:20-9:17] In Genesis 8:20-9:17 God promises to never again destroy the earth through a flood.
[Genesis 6-8] In Genesis 6-8 God sends a flood as judgment upon humanity’s wickedness, yet delivers Noah and his family.
[Genesis 5] Genesis 5 describes the painful reality of death, mixed with the hope of God’s deliverance.
[Genesis 4] Genesis 4 describes the tragic story of murder within the first human family.
[Genesis 3:7-24] Genesis 3:7-24 describes the fallout from humanity’s sinful rebellion against God.
[Genesis 3:1-7] Genesis 3:1-7 describes how sin entered God’s creation through humanity’s rebellion.
[Philippians 3] 10 Year Anniversary
Guest Speaker: Steve Treichler, Senior Paster, Hope Community Church
[Genesis 2:18-25] Genesis 2:18-25 describes how God created the first woman and established the first marriage.
[Genesis 2:4-17] Genesis 2:4-17 describes life in the garden that God created.
[Genesis 1:26-28] Our creation in the image of God is at the core of what it means to be human.
[Genesis 1:1-2:3] Genesis 1:1-2:3 describes God’s creation of all things.
[Psalm 36] In Psalm 36 David contrasts the path of sin with the path of knowing God.
[Psalm 35] In Psalm 35 David pleads with God to fight against the enemies that are attacking him.
[Psalm 34] In Psalm 34 David praises God for his miraculous deliverance from trouble.
[Psalm 33] In Psalm 33 we are given great reason to praise a great God.
[Psalm 32] How do we, the forgiven, fight off secret sin and be happy?
Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Psalm 31] God our Rescuer
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 30] In Psalm 30 David praises God who turns sorrow into joy.
[Psalm 29] In Psalm 29 David praises the Lord for his power and glory.
[Psalm 28] What are the benefits of having God as our strength?
[Psalm 27] Living in confident faith
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 26] Integrity means pure devotion before God
Speaker: Nate Krampe, Elder
[Psalm 25] Following Jesus is a prayerful journey as we encounter the A-Z’s of life.
[Psalm 24] What type of king is our God?
[Matthew 28:16-20; 2 Timothy 2:2] How could Antioch’s core value of “intentional multiplication” contribute to a gospel movement?
How did Antioch gain its picture of Holistic Mission?
Guest Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
Why is “creativity” a core value at Antioch?
[John 15:1-11; 17:20-23] What type of community is God calling Antioch to be?
[Psalm 63] Why should our lives be marked by a relentless pursuit of God?
What does it mean that we value “truth” at Antioch?
[Mark 13:1-2] In Mark 13:1-2 Jesus predicts the future destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.