Signs of Life: Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
[John 5:1-17] Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
Speaker: Dan Moose
[John 5:1-17] Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
Speaker: Dan Moose
[John 4:46-54] John 4:46-54 describes Jesus’ long-distance healing of an official’s dying son.
[John 2:1-11] In John 2:1-11 Jesus changes water to wine at a wedding and reveals his glory.
The church is intended to be a community of restoration from our sexual brokenness.
[1 Corinthians 7] The Gospel & Your Love Story
Speaker: David Morse
What messages do we hear in our culture about what it means to be a man or woman? How does the gospel message speak into those cultural voices?
How can we build a biblical framework for courageous compassion regarding God’s design for gender?
[Genesis 2:18-25; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20] How can we pursue a life of holy sexuality in a sexually broken world?
[Genesis 1:26-28] Our existence in the image of God is at the core of human sexuality.
[Acts 2:42-47] What does it look like to live a generous life?
[Philippians 1:8, Psalm 51:16-17] Blessing of brokenness
Guest Speaker: Dan Moose
[John 4: 1-27] Jesus’ example – don’t be limited by social boundaries.
Guest Speaker: John Farris
[Ruth 4] God’s providence ultimately works for the joy of his people.
[Ruth 3:1-18] Ruth carries out a risky plan to preserve Naomi’s family line.
[Ruth 2] God lavishes kindness upon those who take refuge in him.
In Ruth 1:1-22, Naomi and Ruth respond to the painful providence of God in their lives.
[Acts 4:1-31] Four Contrasts in Acts 4
Guest Speaker: Jeremy Deck
God uses the work we do to transform us through the gospel.
[Exodus 31:1-11] How are you able to accomplish God’s mission through your work?
[Jeremiah 29:1-14; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13] Our work provides an opportunity to contribute to the common good.
[Col 3:22-24] Working as for Jesus. All followers of Jesus who are doing good faithful work are in full time Christian ministry.
[Matthew 25:14-30] How will our present work impact our future work in God’s heavenly kingdom?
Jesus’ saving work redeems our work.
[Genesis 3] The brokenness of a sinful world has severely impacted our work.
[Genesis 1-2] God has designed each of us to glorify him through our work.
How can we listen to God as we make decisions in our lives?
What would it look like to be people who listen to God in prayer?
How does God speak to us?
[Psalm 10] How should followers of Jesus respond when confronted by injustice and oppression?
Guest Speaker: James Tucker
[Psalm 9] How can we praise God when life doesn’t make sense?
[Psalm 8] Seeing God’s glory and thinking about His goodness towards us should lead to us adoring Him!
Guest Speaker: Darrius Hubbard
[Psalm 7] How should a follower of Jesus respond to verbal attacks?
[Psalms 103:1-5] Growing in My Walk With God
Speaker: Dan Moose
[Psalm 6] From Sorrow to Celebration: Christian Lament
[Psalm 5] From Disorienation to Reorientation: Christian Lament
[Psalm 4] How can we experience peace in times of trouble?
[Psalm 3] In Psalm 3 David prays that God would save him from his adversaries.
[Psalm 2] Psalm 2 invites the rebellious to take refuge in the Divine King.
[Psalm 1] True joy is found in knowing God and walking in the path of righteousness.
The Holy Spirit is working to bring God’s purposes to a glorious future consummation in a New Creation.
The Holy Spirit enables us to enjoy deep communion with God.
How does the Holy Spirit make us more like Jesus?
The Holy Spirit empowers God’s people with various gifts to accomplish God’s mission.
The church is sent on mission in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit applies the redemptive work of Jesus to every one of his followers.
The Holy Spirit is the revealer of God.
God’s Holy Spirit is intimately involved in the work of creation.
[Ephesians 6:10-20] How should followers of Jesus fight the spiritual battle they are engaged in?
[Ephesians 6:10-20] How should followers of Jesus fight the spiritual battle they are engaged in?
[Ephesians 6:5-9] Your identity as a follower of Jesus should shape how you relate to others in your work.