Apr 2, 2023
• Duration: 37:06

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Our vision of other’s problems easily gets distorted by our own sin.
BIG IDEA: God helps us see each other more clearly
1. Don’t be a Blind Judge. (Matthew 7:1-2)
- “My sin got in my eyes!”
- Shape Sorters
- James 2:12-13
2. Take the LOG out of your own eye. (Matthew 7:3-6)
- Jesus grew up in a carpenter’s shop. He knew about getting stuff in your eye!
- Make a Log and Speck List: My Logs – – – Your Specks
3. God is EAGER to help us see each other well. (Matthew 7:7-12)
- Rethink these passages in their context of reconciling relationships.
- The Golden Rule
Part of the sermon series: Remarkably Different